Middle East Tour Blog

Middle East Tour Blog

Middle East Tour: Outreach

“Where are you from?” That’s a question we’ve heard a lot since arriving in Israel three days ago. Our answer usually elicits a smile, sometimes a follow up question, or, rarely, a look of confusion. But when we were asked that question Monday night in Jerusalem’s...

BGMC - Middle East Tour 2015
Middle East Tour Blog

Middle East Tour: Cosmic Breath

Well the tour has finally begun and with everything that’s going on it’s important to take stock of it all and really appreciate the wonder of it all. This is the time for what my friend and drama/theatre professor, Susan Vick, would call a “cosmic breath.” This...

BGMC - Middle East Tour 2015
Middle East Tour Blog

Middle East Tour: Why? Why Us?

With less than a week until we head out for the BGMC Middle East tour, everything is beginning to get real. For two years, this has merely been something to save for, something to talk about, and something to plan for. It's when it gets this close that the whole...

BGMC - Middle East Tour 2015
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